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"My Life as a Teenage Robot" and all related characters copyright 2003-2011, Viacom International.
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Another high quality episode from the crew!!
one word " woof" :D
que bien te quedó el post wicho xDDD excelente =)jajaj
(q miedo o.o!)
aww,tammy is sooo cute ^^
another episode?!?!? YAY!!!!!!
I'm even happier :)
Brad said Tammy was the only girl to be interested in him. Has he forgotten Melody? I think those two made a much more adorable couple.
Is it just me? No matter how many times I tried to download the vid, the internet freezes and gets an error...
I agree with Ashley. I hope Melody appears again. Brad/Melody is my second favorite pairing after Jenny/Sheldon. The ending to No Harmony With Melody was depressing.
12:09AM's Anonymous:
You need to download it using some "Free Downloader" like GetRight.
Aww...I absolutely LOVED the cute moments between Brad and Jen! First time she's kissed Brad. Wait...other Brad and Jens haven't worked in the past...yikes! :( LOL.
It was a bit strange, hehehehe, but oh so awesome.
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