Thursday, October 27, 2005

Make your voice heard!

Several people have inquired about how they can contact Nick. I amm reposting the anonymous tip from the last post.

Mr. Herb Scannell
President, Nickelodeon
1515 Broadway
New York, NY 10036

If you happen to live in New York, or if you can afford a long distance phone call. Viewers can voice complaints with the following number.
(212) 258-7579

Nickelodeon apparently doesn't have a viewer feedback e-mail. But you can give them feedback about cancelling My Life as a Teenage Robot on their web site at:


  1. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Thank you for reposting my tip so everyone can see it Mr. Renzetti.

    I'm KRnut82 (a regular poster) over at the Toon Zone message boards. I posted the snail mail address over at Toon Zone a few days ago (this was before I found the additional info). I'm also going to add the additional info over there in a new post in a few minutes as soon as I'm done here.

    Thank you once again.

  2. I don't remember that. I remember "pinwheel," "today's special," and of course "you can't do that on television."

    The real problem with the tv business is that the only shows that are successful over a long period of time is whatever panders the best to the mindless "mainstream culture," which in the case of television amounts to a half-hour or so of "vacation" from reality that one can watch without thinking or getting emotionally involved in it.

    Or, as Ray Bradbury said it better in Farenheit 451, "The television, that insidious beast, that Medusa which freezes a billion people to stone every night, staring fixedly, that Siren which called and sang and promised so much and gave, after all, so little."

    I think this is why shows that last a long time tend to decline in quality, because the price of success is sometimes watering the content down so that it's palatable to the average television audience.

    Coincidentally, this is why CNN has devolved into a television equivalent of the National Enquirer. While it's understandable that on a 24 hour news channel you have to stretch sometimes to find stories that the average viewer will find interesting, shark attacks aren't really news. Sharks have lots of really, really sharp teeth (their teeth have teeth, like saw blades, rather intimidating, actually), and sometimes try to eat people if they can. This has been common human knowledge for, um, thousands of years now. This is only on CNN because it's exciting to people, not because it's actually news.

    Anyway, MLaaTR was a great show while it lasted, and I truly wish the best of success to everyone involved. Getting three seasons of the show made was a great accomplishment, and like I've said several times, I think it's a classic that will be fondly remembered.

  3. Anonymous5:29 AM

    so what!?

  4. So nothing. Since eventually the age of humans will end (just as the age of trilobites had ended), and all evidence of human existence will eventually be destroyed, nothing really has any ultimate or enduring meaning. But that doesn't mean that we can't watch some good tv in the meantime.

  5. Ooh. Many thanks for the info. Just a tip to everyone, though: the form at says it's only for feedback about the site itself. We may not want to swamp the hapless webmaster with our complaints.

    And hey, even if we can't keep your show going, there's still plenty of hope for the TeenBot franchise. After all, there was another program not too long ago that ran for only three seasons. It was called "Star Trek."

  6. Anonymous4:01 PM

    You're welcome. And sorry about the form being about the site itself. I hope I didn't cause anyone any harm. I've since removed that particular bit of info from my Toon Zone post and everywhere else I've posted the info.

  7. Anonymous5:41 PM

    I like the "OLD" NICK. However, I LOVE "TEENAGE ROBOT"


  8. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Many thanks for this info! I'll post this over at . Everyone has the right to watch this show!

  9. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Hey aaron,

    Don't forget to remove the link to the form at (if you haven't already) or at least tell people not to use it since it's for feedback about the site itself and not their shows.

    Can't believe I missed that when I originally posted the info. Could have sworn it said it was also for leaving feedback about their shows. But I was wrong. Well, it's not the first time I've been wrong about something. I'm only human. :P

    So to clarify, the only stuff people should reproduce on their sites are the snail mail address for Mr. Scannell and the phone number.

  10. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Do not worry everyone makes mistakes.


  11. The real issue is that the medium doesn't really work for a show like this. The problem with mass media is that only what the masses want to see will be successful. It's an example of the dark side of democracy; tyranny by the majority is still tyranny.

    By the way, happy halloween (soon) everybody.

  12. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Yeah, I told everyone to be careful about using it. No prob. ^^

  13. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Happy Halloween to all.


  14. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Hello everyone, I didn't know there was a blog for the Teenage Robot cartoon until a few weeks ago, so this is my first comment :P

    Well, I was really excited about finding this place and seeing that MLaTR was still being worked on, with this I thought there would be more episodes for this truly great cartoon.

    Both the visuals (art deco and classic toon fell mixed wonderfully) and Mr. Renzetti's creativity (the episode where Jenny tampers with her dreaming device and the one in which she wakes uo the other XJ's) have made me laugh and take my hat off in amazement at what new things would be in store for the next episode I'd watch... alas, for what I've read here, the ratings say the contrary and will prevent more seasons to be made... It disappoints me so much to realize that one of the few shows I see will not evolve and grow...

    I simply do not know why such innovative and interesting shows (from my humble point of view) do not receive more support. I can only send my comments (and commplaints) to Nick and wish the best of lucks to all the staff of MLaTR and hope more episodes will be made.

    Thank you.

    Sincerely - J. R.

  15. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Hi JR,
    That is a good idea.


  16. Anonymous7:45 AM

    this blog is going down, no more jenny, no more post. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  17. Anonymous7:01 PM

    I hope this blog is not going down, then how are we going to know when the new episodes for the 3rd season will start?


  18. Anonymous6:59 AM

    check out

  19. In other news, Spongebob has been renewed for 20 new episodes.

    I think the popularity of Spongebob is a significant hurdle for MLaaTR. I think Viacom/Nick/whatever may be hesistant to put effort into developing shows like MLaaTR when they can just do SBSP and make easier profit with a more established, already popular show.

    This doesn't seem to be a good sign.

  20. Anonymous10:19 AM

    I tried doing that

  21. Anonymous3:36 PM

    dont give up people!!!

  22. Anonymous5:44 PM

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  24. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Wow. I still miss the other shows like Invader Zim and Catdog. Nick always has to get rid of our good show. Same with Toonami. I wish there was a channel for all the shows that were sent off-air...

    I still miss Sailor Moon.....

  25. Anonymous4:51 PM

    I got shocked with this

    here in chile nick is transmitting the first two seasons and i hope to see them all.

    why do great cartoons are always cancelled?

    i love jenny, best wishes for all the team and get the box set done soon!! i want a box set! GRR!

  26. Anonymous9:11 PM

    This is a big problem
    i have been seing all viacom cartoons and all have at least 4 seasons or extended seasons the clearly example The fairly oddparents they had at least estimating 45 episodes and teenage robot just have 35 on the two and third season also estimating so all teenage robot fans let or power flow togheter and make the teenage robot extend in at least 40 episodes.

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