Wednesday, August 02, 2006

3 years ago...

On August 1st. 2003, the world showed us a young lady
named Jenny Wakeman who became a part of our daily life.
Thanks Jen for make us feel proud of you!
Info contributor: Jessie Winkler/Wakeman


  1. Amazing-- It's been three years Jenny Wakeman has been part of our daily lives, and it will still go on forever no matter what ^-^.

  2. Suitable for framing!

    In fact, I shall!

    Complete with tear stains, as the show is over.

  3. Anonymous1:15 PM

    yea, congats.

    X-J-9 forever!!!

  4. Anonymous1:18 PM

    yea, congrats.

    X-J-9 forever!!!

  5. Anonymous1:19 PM


  6. Anonymous4:59 PM


    Nick has the gall to keep Jenny as part of their logo on the website but relegates the show to Nicktoons once a day!

    No airing of the third season, no merchandising, and no presence at the Paramount amusement parks where Nickoleodeon characters are seen.

    What is wrong with this picture?

    Hail Jenny.

    You will live on forever.

  7. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Is the "yellow-sponge monopoly" on nick. Don't find more answers. It's like a curse.
    They don't open their eyes for more cartoon exploration since that yellow-guy continue making "green cash" in their pockets: (merchandising and stuff = $$$$x1000)
    just my humble opinion.

    pd: happy aniversary Jenny. You're the only one that have a real value!

  8. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Now don't jump to conclusions. Why not put MLAATR on DVD. It derserves to be on DVD like INVADER ZIM. Why don't you all dress up as your favorite MLAATR character go up to Rob's house and carrie banners to make MLAATR on DVD.

  9. Anonymous10:35 AM

    (Throws confetti) Go Jenny! And thanks for linking my site. I seroiusly need to update it...

    Today's my friend's birthday!

  10. MLaaTR on DVD would be great, but given Nick's lack of interest in this great cartoon, it unfortunately looks like a dim prospect at present.

    Once again, popularity and success did not coincide with quality. I hope nobody involved with the show has been discouraged by the experience; I think a show like this just needed a different audience to work; it wasn't the show's fault; it was a great show. It just didn't have a chance to develop, having to compete for Nick's attention with established properties like Spongebob, and shows that apparently must have had more teen appeal, such as Danny Phantom. I don't know the reasons why the show wasn't apparently popular, but I know that it wasn't because of the quality of the show, which was excellant. I think this was a case of a mismatch between the audience and the show, for whatever reason, rather than there being a problem with the show itself.

  11. Mexican song of birthday "the mañanitas"
    Estas son las mañanitas que te cantamos a ti , hoy por ser dia de tu santo te las cantamos a ti! Despierta, mi bien, despierta, mira que ya amaneció , ya los pajarillos cantan, la luna ya se metio!
    El dia en que tu naciste nacieron todas las flores y en la pila del bautismo cantaron los ruiseñores! Quisiera ser un san Juan, quisiera ser un san Pedro, para venirte a saludar con la musica del cielo! Volaron cuatro palomas por toditas las ciudades , En este dia de tu cumpleaños te deseamos felicidades!!!!

  12. Mexican song of birthday "the mañanitas" These is the mañanitas that we sang you to you, today being day of your santo we sang you you! It wakes up, my good, it wakes up, sight that to either amaneció, or the pajarillos sing, the moon or put! The day in which your you were born all the flowers were born, and in the battery of the baptism they sang the ruiseñores! It wanted to be San Juan, wanted to be san Pedro, for venirte to salute with the music of the sky! flew four doves by all the cities, In this day of your birthday we wished congratulations you!

  13. wooooww..!!!! 3 años...

    muachas felicidades por tu cumpleaños... sip...creo que ya merece una actualizacion tu pagina...

    voy a seguir entrando... ^^

  14. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Happy Birthday, dear Jenny!

    Thanks for everything what you have given us in these three years; you will be always in our minds and hearts...

  15. They know that Jenny has its own song of love? Please they check in this direction: index_1280.html or visits devianART:davirus Their author is Proudly mexicano:David Escalante
    Sabian que Jenny tiene su Propia canción de Amor? Por favor chequen en esta diercción:
    index_1280.html o visiten deviantART:davirus, el autor es orgullosamente mexicano, David Escalante

  16. Anonymous5:16 PM

    I still remember the day I first saw her picture on and falling in love instantly ^^ Not having Nickelodeon at the time, all I could do was watch a clip of Daydream Believer on the website again and again and...
