Monday, March 05, 2007

Intergalactic Travels!

"Look at me... I'm a Space Biker!"

Are you thinking on some space travel?
We have an answer for you!...

Hurry up! The spaceship will be launched soon here ;)


  1. Anonymous11:03 PM

    XJKenny: Cou you do a picture of this girl, please?

  2. Tuck's growing up so fast! I'd say this is another great episode, especially after seeing how their home planet is the kindest in the galaxy!

  3. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Aw,Jen and tuck were a bit harsh is that ep.Poor space bikers :( Aw,well at least they still got their bikes and villian identity

  4. Anonymous5:26 PM

    When you combine the chalkboard drawings in Tammy's class and the page number they're supposed to turn to, it makes you wonder if there's a joke in there somewhere.

    I laughed anyway.

    Thanks for continuing to post episodes, wichobot.

  5. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I don't get the joke. Can you please explain it to me?
