Monday, June 04, 2007

Glenn Wakeman

An excelent job from 14-bis.

Artist's comment: "This is Glenn, the swamp mutant guy, as most of us, is weird in the outside, but a very nice person inside. So, as his mother would say, let's make peace, not war ^^ !"


  1. A real "Mr Natural"

    It's not easy being Green!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love swinging by here from time to time and seeing the art that gets posted...

    I can still recall when 'Teenage Robot' got its first "regular-mail" fan letter with drawings of Jenny in it and how the girl who wrote the letter criticized her sketches and said they weren't very good (I think she was like 10 or 11 years old) ...

    Rob, Alex and I all read it in Ani's office and were really touched by it.

    Rob let me send her some Jenny Model Sheets (the ones we all used) that explain how to draw her and I explained that it takes a LOT of practice.

    It wasn't long after that it seemed as though we would get LOTS of fan-art either in the mail or from the intertnet and soon there was a whole wall of our work area devoted to drawings that people would send in.

    Some were very advanced and lavish (like this one) and others were more simple, but they were all great inspiration.

    It's a testament to the appeal of the show's characters that they can be visually interpreted so many different ways...

    Anyway, this drawing is gorgeous :)

  4. Anonymous10:00 PM

    14-bis: If you have time, could you do a picture of Lisa the Babysitter, please?

  5. Anonymous11:28 PM

    is a graet honor your visit, Mister Fountain!!! =)

  6. Anonymous3:02 AM

    I always have the interest of doing drawings and animations,but most of the time I end up in done some craps.I never thought I'd done a good poster,But you're seems to be highly talented,congrats..Expecting more from you...
    breakdown insurance

  7. Wait, is Jenny's cousin's name spelled with one or two Ns? You spell it "Glen" here, but it's spelled "Glenn" in the credits.

  8. Oops! my mistake... sorry!
    Thanks for the advice ^^ !

