Now you can draw your fave Krust cousin...
Yeah, I know that you love'em or hate'em but this can give you
an idea for draw Britt or Tiff in a specified dimension!
Model created by Hrodulf.
"My Life as a Teenage Robot" and all related characters copyright 2003-2011, Viacom International.
All Rights Reserved.
And It would be pretty good to have the same schemes of Jenny.
You will find them if you look through the archive of this blog. There are a lot of them and I have downloaded all. But having schemes of drawing Brad, Tuck and Sheldon(and Silver Shell) will be very good for me but i can't find them anywhere.
You have some Krust!
I always found it ironic that Brit was dark skinned and voiced by Moira Quirk, an English caucasian, while Tiff,(little Miss Whitebread) was done by Cree Summer, a talented Afro American VA.
I might actually download and draw up a Tiff or two. I need plinking targets!!
Trivia: What is Tiff wearing around her waist?
gracias por el dato Great One!, es muy interesante!
a Mudflap: me rindo...
to Mudflap: I surrender…
Anyone else?
Just wanted to say thanks to team robot for the great support of mine and others' expression of love for MLaaTR in art. MLaaTR is a very special show, and it will be remembered as a classic.
The show worked because it mocked authority, villany and the train wreck that is social life at a high school.
That's why Brit and Tiff have a bit of a following; they're the epitome of what's wrong with the social order at a high school, popular for all the wrong, shallow reasons, while the interesting people who actually have something to share that makes them worth knowing are utterly ignored.
I probably said it before, but I'll say it again; My Life as a Teenage Robot is a great show.
The Krust Cousins are the most endearing queen bee stereotypes ever.
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Peter Griffin:Ugly Crust Bitches! Glen Quagmire: Moo!!!
Pteresa and the Crust Cousins are cheap hookers! Not a brand women at all!
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