Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Oops They Did It Again!

As I'm sure many of you noticed, the new show did not premiere at 6 last night. I hope you didn't all turn off the TV in a fit of uncontrollable rage because it started at 6:15. Everybody, including yours truly, had no clue that this would happen. If you've watched the U-Pick program before you're aware that they show things starting at wierd times but you'd think that when they promote something for 6 that they would put it on at 6.

I hope that at least some of you stuck around and saw the first episode. If not they will all repeat on Saturday, or so I'm told. Be aware that similiar shenanigans may happen througout the rest of the week. Please be patient and, hopefully, Teenage Robot should play before we all have to go to sleep.


  1. Anonymous7:40 PM

    One must live with the shenanigans of U Pick!

    At least Candace is Cute.

    I tuned in, stopped the tape, waited and got what I waited over a year for! You guys and girls are FANTASTIC!!!!!

    Say, is there any way you can post addresses to send fan mail, cookies,shrines, etc to Janice, Candi , Chad, Audrey, ectc? I have tried to contact Frederator at their website and Nick and have gotten no response.


    The Blue Avenger

  2. Solution: WebStreaming of the show.
    (Yes!... but who make it?)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I've gotten used to the weird start times on Nick and other channels; it used to be that a show would start at the top of the hour *to the second* - I used to work as a news anchor for an NBC affiliate in the 1970's and 1980's and I remember the hassles we had trying to make sure we hit the network on time.

    A couple of things happened, I think.

    1. TV broadcasters realized the FCC regs stating the station ID has to be at the top of the hour has a five-minutes-one-way-or-another flexibility built in. Radio broadcasters knew that for a long time, of course.

    2. The networks started putting the local commercials within the half hours, rather than at :28 and :58 after the hour, so that they could go immediately from one show to another at the top of the hour. This was done, I suspect, to prevent people from changing channels at the top of the next hour.

    So the bottom line is that a TV show that's supposed to be on at 6:00 is only going to be on in that neighborhood.

    As for Nick - well, the 6:00 airing of new shows don't even have to meet the 5-minute rule, because the episodes we're waiting for are contained *within* the "U-pick" show, and that's why the eps haven't been starting until 6:10 or even 6:15. After all, they've got to do their comedy bits and the punch-a-prize wall thing. ;)

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