Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The Problem of Cartoon Continuity in TV Cartoons

Here at MLAATR we are discouraged from creating long story arcs that carry through several cartoons. The reason? Because we never know what order things are going to air. You will all soon see an example of this on your very own television. The episodes that will start showing this week are, for the most part, Season 2 shows. "Escape from Cluster Prime" was done at the start of Season 3. I made the foolish assumption that Nick was going to air all of Second Season WAAAAYYY before the movie ever played. So in these "new" episodes you will see Vexus and the rest of the Cluster as if the movie never happened. Which, when we made these episodes, it hadn't.


  1. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Another first! So, I noticed that, but please let me say that I was bummed to see Smitus blown up! He was one of my faves. And as a huge Eartha Kitt voice over fan, they really need to find a way to bring her back for season 3!!

  2. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Thank you for telling us this! I was wondering about that!

  3. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Never trust Nick to do the RIGHT thing. They're NICK! >_>

  4. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Robot Renzetti, my old friend
    (I do presume!)

    I see the quandry all too well. Nick seems to have a love-hate relationship with this fantastic show in that they ask for a 1 hour movie and OK Season 3 before Season 2 even Starts, BUT THEN!...

    They offer 1/2 the season 2 episodes in a glut, sprinkle them around, leave the show off the schedule for weeks at a time, move it around from day to day, and then "Suddenly" Have a big premiere
    of the new "Escape from Cluster Prime"

    I like to think that the saner and wiser heads at Nickoledeon see what a winner they have in MLaaTR, and what a rabid and persistent audience/fan base it has developed.

    So said, I look foward to Season 3, an announcement in the next couple of months about Season 4
    and possibly a 90 minute movie for 2006, along with long expected licensed merchandise, action figures, and even video games.

    Rob, You and Alex, and the whold crew have hit one "out of the park"
    and you should be justifiably proud.

    Maybe you could try to pitch "Mina and the Count " again

  5. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Thanks for the heads up, Mr. Renzetti. Your cartoons are great, I just hope Nick doesn't screw up MAJORLY again like this time.

  6. Anonymous12:44 AM

    America Nicorodeon is known to be insincere to MLaaTR in Japan.

    It is talked between fans here as "It is necessary to broadcast rather on the Cartoon Network".

    Please produce season 3 not disappointed. Mr. Renzzeti.

  7. Anonymous8:34 AM

    I know a lot of cartoons are showed out of order, but I am not really bothered by it.


  8. Anonymous12:41 PM

    What episodes are going to be on all week including yesterday?

  9. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Let me tell XJWriter, Rob Rezetti, Alex Kirwan, Janice Kawaye, and all the other I either never heard of or are too lazy to mention, that I am not blaming you! When I say "Nick", I mean the stupid promotion and scheduling people! You are doing what you need to do, don't worry!

  10. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Hmm... That makes me wonder. Since there's the problem with continuity, will the Season 3 episodes feature the "original" Cluster or will they just start off after the events of "Escape from Cluster Prime", story-wise?

  11. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Hey Ace,

    I'm hoping after the events of the movie!

    And Mr.Renzetti ,

    Please put more Vega! I NEED more Vega . And more Candi Milo(as Dr.Wakeman, if you didn't notice she's my fav character) since she didn't say alot in the past few episodes. Not complaining though , the show rocks!!!

    Wakeman quote of the day:

    Wakeman: A 6 1/2 mechanical girl , and nobody will notice ?

  12. Somehow, this doesn't bother me as much as it does everyone else. This is the risk one runs when making an episodic show, and it's a moot point anyway once the reruns and DVDs hit.

    Still, I appreciate the heads-up. Even if it means we have to wait until Season 3 to see how well the nouveau régime holds up. Darn your tantalizing plot points! ;)

  13. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Wakeman's assistant,

    I really don't care where the new eppies pick up, as long as Smytus and Krackus will join the party ^^

  14. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Oh yeah and, of course, a whole lot of the doc!

  15. Anonymous8:28 AM

