Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Wichobot Rocks!

I just discovered her Teenage Roblog X blog and have also been tracking all the TR episodes she has been putting up on You Tube. I'm sorry that she is upset with me and Alex but I am in love with her! I hope she will keep her X version of the blog going even when we do post stuff here.


  1. Hey Mr. Renzetti!
    Is His blog! Not her.
    I'm male.

  2. btw, I'm uploading almost daily blog.
    Everybody has errors Mrs. Renzetti hehehe...
    Don't worry. I'm not anymore angry with both of you. At least you could write once a week, OK?
    I'm male, rob. I'm about 2 years here and you don't know me? sheez!... well now everything is OK (i hope so).
    wichobot - and
    and male!

  3. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Honor to that honor deserves; excellent work, wichobot!

    By the way, he is he, not she...

  4. Anonymous9:15 AM



  5. Oops! Sorry for the mess up. I never caught your gender being discussed in any of the comments. I read "Wich" in your screen name and thought of "witch" and assumed you were a woman.

  6. Please Rob!!!

    you cannot made a crossover,
    i recommend;
    Danny phantom-teenage robot crossover

    just replace two third season episodes

    sincerely:chazz princetone

  7. I know Rob, anyone can be confused with that ;P...

    About channel rights, I guess if Rob would make a crossover with Mr. Hartman (FOP and DP creator) that will be something similar to "Jimmy meets Timmy" but that would need an intermmediate.

    The other thing is that I don't know how FOP was in Nick US, but in LatinAmerica that cartoon is in the Jetix channel (FOX), and now that same cartoon is broadcasted just right now in FOX and Disney channel at the same time! mmm???

    wichobot - and
    Today's blog theme is:
    "Hammer Bros. vs Mario Bros." Check:

  8. Ah! not again :P ??
    Mr.Renzetti and team please, update the page...
    Just put something like:
    "I ate a hotdog with chilly" or
    "I get up earlier today".
    Do you understand what I'm trying to mean? - Keep on contact!

    btw, today's blog theme is:
    Jenny vs Megaman check:

  9. Mr. Rensetti: Es un honor que le pueda escribir a usted por primera vez,espero que no descuide este blog, al que personas de todas las nacionalidades visitamos para ver pronto a Jenny en las pantallas de nuevo
    Por favor... incluya "teenageroblogx" en los links, el trabajo de W-bot lo merece...
    Disculpe las faltas ortograficas, pero se que usted lo entiende;)

  10. Mr.Rensetti:it is a honorthat can write to him for the first time for you,i hope that you does no neglent more in this blog, to which people of all nationalities we visited to soon seen Jenny in the screen.
    Please... includes"ttenagerolbogX" in the links,The work of Whicho bot deserves it ...
    Excuse me the ortografical lacks, But that you understand it;)

  11. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Thanks to whoever uploaded those files to YouTube. Nick, in the United States, has not shown Teenage Robot for a while and I appearently missed the last few episodes of this season, plus some of the earlier ones. Thanks to YouTube I have seen the entire series.

    Does anyone know when Nick will start showing Teenage Robot again in the USA?

  12. Anonymous3:01 PM

    WOW, Thx Wichobot!^^
    Teenageroblogx is GREAT!
    Specialy the video sektion.
    There are many Episodes that nick never show in germany.

    (I hope my English, is not so bad)

  13. Thanks tomas and schattendorn ;)
    btw, how's going in Germany this days?

    wichobot - Today's blog theme is:
    Teenage Robot in Germany 2006!

  14. Mr Rsnsetti:i hope no disturb,Could give some advances in how much storyboards of the chapters that have not happened to the air still? "Girl of steal","Enclosure of domm", "Mist opportunities","No harmony with Melody"? what happen with Melody,She and Jen are going to fight?
    Respectufully: Tomas

  15. Rensetti!,Rensetti!!! excuse me, please!!!

  16. What is going on Renzetti

    you had never minded about a crossover
    You and Hartman will gonna be a good team

    at least i think that

    sincerely:chazz princetone

  17. Today is sunday. Day to work!
    No posts yet :P....
    .... what?
    Just post a note like:
    "I ate fried eggs today!"
    "Renzetti lost my pencil" ;)

    wichobot - Today's blog theme is:
    My Life as a Teenage Robot song check:
    Now with sound!

  18. Anonymous11:59 PM


  19. Could it be!

    I think that maybe Nick will start showing Season 3 of MLaaTR on Nicktoons Channel this summer!

    I saw some trailers that I did not recognize of upcoming shows for the summer. they amnnounced new episodes of other shows so maybe, JUST maybe, we will finally see the third and (sniff) last season of Jenny and friends.

    Keep fingers and toes crossed.

  20. HE,HE

    Show those nifty adds-on the great one

    my connection (the fast one is working again)

    i will be in california, taking rest so don t ask about the blog

    sincerely:chazz princetone

    PS: long live wichobot and Ronaldihno

  21. btw, I hope this time we don't have that famous show delays :P or we gonna dance samba hehe! ;)

    wichobot - Today's blog theme:
    Roundheaded kid vs Brown kid

  22. A Chazz: Lamentablemente es poco probable que el Sr. Rensetti pueda pensar por el momento en un posible crossover;pero no porque el no lo qisierá en lo personal... estóy segúro que sería la segunda película que llevaría a Jenny a una nominación a los premios Emmy;Pudiera ser, que si en verdad Nickelodeón piensa pasar los episodios de las tercéra temporada esto llevaría a los ejecutivo$ a pensar en serio en el croosover que todos esperamos tanto. Los productores de la serie japonesa "Caballeros del Zodìaco"
    suspendieron la serie en la segunda temporada, pero los fans de todo el mundo insistieron en que se llevará a cabo la comtinuación; incluso se realizaron episodios apócrifos que demostraron el interes que se tenia en la misma, lo que les llevo a realizar una nueva saga(fueron fans de Francia quienes los realizaron),por no mencionar el caso de la serie "Star Trek", que a generado inmensas ganancias a la fecha.
    Deseo con el corazón que la tercera temporada sea presentada pronto en Nickelodeón, ¡Y SE VEA,QUE NOSOTROS Y NUESTRAS OPINIONES TAMBIÉN CONTAMOS!si los señores japoneses se dieron cuenta que el mercado no se limíta unicamente a los de su propio pais,¡espero los señores del Canal Nickelodeón se den cuenta de lo mismo! en esta época de globalización, no estamos atados, podemos opinar de lo que se presenta en la T.V.!,si los ejecutivos prefieren "popularidad" a CALIDAD,¡ Ellos están creando un circulo vicioso del cuál luego no podrán salir!, otro ejemplo (ya para no fastidiar) es el del estudio Ghibli,comandado por el Señor Hayao Miyasaki, el cuál gano recientemente el Oscar por la película "Spirited Away","el Viaje de Chihiro"en español, Pocos efectos por computadora... ¡pero una historia de inigualable calidad humana!,ni por error lo podrían lograr en series como "B.E."., ¡calidad que en lo personal veo que PUEDE LOGRAR la serie de "La Robot Adolescente"!...
    Eso si ...
    Prefiero recordar para siempre a Jenny como es ahora, luchando por sus ideales,por su hogar aquí en la Tierra ,las personas que ama (¡¡¡¡y Las que NO también!!!:)) a verla algún dia bailando "La esponja"...
    Esperando no molestar a nadie, y en especial espero no incomodarte con está carta, Chazz, te deseo lo mejor en tus empresas.
    tengamos paciencia...

  23. A Angel, "Kraken" y Miri...
    les escribi dandoles las gracias, pero parece que por error no apareció mi comentario;espero disculpen está falta de cortesía, deso poder considerarme su amigo... estoy para servirles,""
    cualquier amigo de Jenny es amigo mío.

  24. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Hi, Wichobot!

    I liked much the section dedicated to the downloads of MLaaTR's intros songs; could you make one of the episodes's musical intros? Also could you include the incidental songs, like "happy noontime fun time song"(of Wonderful World of Wizzly), etc.? They would be cool ringtones for cellphones, and thus MLaaTR would accompany many people to all parts...

    Greetings to Mr. Renzetti, Mr. Kirwan, Tomás, Chazz, Kraken, Miri, the rest of the gang, and of course, to Wichobot!
