Saturday, September 23, 2006

Chat in Cluster Prime!

From now, you can chat with more MLaaTR fans in the "Cluster Prime"
chat. Just follow this guide for know more about this new feature.
Chat created by Shelltoon.


  1. These making a great work in your blog Shelltoon=)i hope be able sometimes works of fans in, I believe that serious interesting, in special comics of Jenny and friends

  2. Realizas un gran trabajo en tu blog Shellton =) espero poder ver trabajos de fans en el, seria interesante, en especial comics de Jenny y amigos.

  3. A todos los amigos de este Blog: Por medio de esta misiva me permito informar que pido disculpas publicas a la señorita Mimi Rodgers, alias Cany Robot alias Gwizdo, me habia quejado de que ella habia retirado sus trabajos relativos a "Mi Vida..." en el foro de Deviantart, ella tuvo la gentileza de Volver a colocarlos para que todos los pudieramos disfrutar nuevamente, es por esto que me disculpo por lo mencionado en otra ocasión, le deseo lo mejor y reitero mis disculpas.
    Tómas Martínez.

  4. To all the friends of this Blog: By means of this to letter I allow myself to inform that I request publish excuses to Miss Mimi Rodgers, a.k.a Candy Robot a.k.a. Gwizdo, was complained to me which it was retired to her works relative to "My Life..." in the forum of Deviantart, she had the gentility To return to pleases them under that all to enjoy again, is by whom I apologize by the mentioned thing in another occasion, him desire the best thing and I reiterate my excuse.
    Tómas Martinez.

  5. Mac version, please?

    Most creative types use them, so it'd be nice to be able to have equal access...

  6. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Here you go Animatrixie, a client made for Mac:

  7. Thank you kindly! I'll check it out tomorrow after work! :)
