Friday, January 05, 2007

Better than Casino Royale...

"My name's Lee, Sheldon Lee"
The best secret agent in the 00 Agents epic history is here!
Prepare your popcorns... this would take you by surprise! ;)


  1. Anonymous11:09 AM

    That makes TWO kisses for at the end of "A Robot For All Seasons" and now this!

  2. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I thought it was sweet of Jenny when she kissed Sheldon again.

  3. Anonymous3:58 PM

    It is not better than Casino Royale, especialy the 60s version.

  4. It's just a joke ;) !
    Also Mr. Connery did a great play in the original one.

  5. Claro que es mejor que "Royale"!
    Sheldon NO uso "Dobles" en las escenas de peligro!!!;)
    el "Casino Royale" de los 60´s no se considera que entre en la filmografia oficial de la serie de Bond.
    es una excelente comedia que cuenta con grandiosos actores de la epoca,Sellers, Wells,y un jovencisimo actor que usaba lentes lentes cuyo nombre he olvidado.
    pero es una sátira de la serie del 007.

    by all means that is better than “Royale”! Sheldon nonuse "stuntmans" in the danger scenes! ;) ta, ta, ta, tatara, ta, tatara, ra, ra, ra, rare! the “Royale Casino” of 60´s is not considered that between in the official films of the series of Bond. it is an excellent comedy that have huge actors of the time, Sellers, Wells, and a young actor who used eyeglasses whose name I have forgotten. but it is a satire of the series of the 007.

  6. eso es MÚSICA!!! es regalo extra Wicho, gracias!!!, no se pudo hacer más larga la melodia...?

  7. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Casino Royale was great. I especially liked the part where Bond almost dies from digitalis and Vesper has to reconnect the broken lead on the defibrillator. Bond comes to and asks her..."are you okay?" That was awesome.

    Oh and being unable to check the Roblog for a few days and to find 2 new episodes is pretty keen too. :)

  8. FINALLY-- I can online again due to net problems. And I say is a nice gift that wichobot posted the two new episodes for new year ^-^ And that's the second time Sheldon at it again since Vexus seducing episode. This was quite funny ^-^

  9. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Xjkenny: If you have time, could you do a picture of Brit Crust in this outfit, please?

  10. Anonymous9:00 PM

    shesh i though season 3 was a shortone cause of the discontinuance how many eps are the final season?

  11. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Did anyone know there was a parody movie of Casino Royale in the 60s?

  12. Anonymous6:47 AM

    I hope Nickelodeon will show it sometime(it shows very many episodes from the 3rd season in Belarus) and didn't you watch "creating a woman" and "Robot Riot"? I watched them yesterday and want to know if they are new.

  13. Both episodes are from the 2nd. Season, but "Creating a Woman" should be "Designing Women" episode :) !

  14. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Ye , I made a mistake. Thanks you for the information.

  15. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Sheldon Oswald Lee...

    The first thing my best friend, my boyfriend, and I thought of upon hearing that was Lee Harvey Oswald.

  16. Anonymous11:17 PM

    gee with a name like lee and that slightly yellow skin is he an person whose family is origionally from the orient? his facination with robots would be more than understood if he is of japanese ancestry

    although i am of european ancestry i would be just as smitten as sheldon

  17. Anonymous8:26 PM

    I always thought his skin tone was just from having bad skin. In Attack of the 5 1/2 Geek, Wakeman mentions him having sun deprived skin. The show has never mentioned him being of oriental ancestry as far as I know, though it is possible.

  18. Anonymous11:27 AM

    is this the last episode gonna be shown on the internet cause i looked on wikipedia and it said no honor among robots and eye of the beholder was canned so was i was a teenage wakemen if they are canned can you pleaaaaaaaeeaaes put them on the internet please

  19. Yes, I think that sheldon, should and gotten that kiss from jenny because he tries so hard and also they get together in the one,where he tries to make her jelesous but it donesn't work.
