Monday, January 08, 2007

Oui, monsieur!

The full frame from "Infectious Personality".
If you check carefully, you will see the Inspector Clouseau photo
in the wall frame near the cashier.


  1. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Who's that girl?

  2. She's the owner of "Le Petit" Florist.

  3. Anonymous6:33 PM

    She's pretty.

  4. Recuerdo un episodio de esa caricatura!!! , en donde el Sargento Dodó también se transformaba en un monstruo!!!
    es bueno ver que Sheldon dejo a su bestia interior salir, e imponerse por un rato a su Bestia exterior...;)

    Memory an episode of that cartoon! , where Sergeant Dodó also transformed itself into a monster! it is good for seeing that Sheldon I let to its inner beast leave, and for dominating themselves by awhile his outer Beast… ;)
