Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Thank you Jenny

A great video tribute created by Shelltoon.
Artist's Comment: "I don't know if I can watch it all that much though,
it's very emotional for me. It's a real rollercoaster ride. This took me a lot of time to create, and I hope it does not disappoint you all."


  1. The song featured in this video is Tears by X Japan, if you want the lyrics, they're available here:

  2. Anonymous7:39 PM

    There where tears rolling down my face as I watched that. Every day of my life I hold the memories that show has given me close in my heart. I know its a toon, but...I love it like it was my son...its like loving a dog. Its not a human, but you care for it. Anyways, Thank you for every last memorie you have given me, MLAATR team! Jenny XJ-9 Wakeman may be ink, and CGI, but in our hearts, shes real and we love her to death!

    ~ Lots of Love, Kayla Austin

  3. El usuario anónimo dijo:
    "Rodaron lagrimas por mi cara cuando contemple el video.cada dia de mi vida recordare las memorias que esta caricatura me ha dejado dentro de mi corazón. Sé que solo es una caricatura, pero… el amor que yo le tenia era como el que se profesa a una hija… era como el cariño a un perro. Tal vez no era un ser humano, pero tu lo quieres y lo cuidas, siempre. ¡De todas formas, gracias por cada memoria pasada que me han dado, equipo de MLAATR! ¡Jenny(La máquina de hilar) XJ-9 Wakeman puede ser tinta, y cgi, pero en nuestros corazones, ella es real! verdadera y nosotros la amaremos hasta la muerte!"

    "Perdidos en el Amor,Kaila Austin."

    "Dort wo Risse, die hinunter mein Gesicht rollen, wie ich den aufpaßte. Täglich von meinem Leben halte ich die Gedächtnisse, die Erscheinen mir nah in meinem Herzen gegeben hat. Ich kenne sein ein toon, aber… war I Liebe, die es es mag, mein Sohn… sein Gleiches, das einen Hund liebt. Sein nicht interessiert euch ein Mensch, aber du für sie. Sowieso für jedes letzte memorie danke, das du mich gegeben hast, MLAATR Mannschaft! Jenny XJ-9 Wakeman kann Tinte und cgi sein, aber in unseren Herzen, lieben die realen shes und wir sie zum Tod!" "~ Lose Liebe, Kayla Austin"

    "Là dove rotture che rotolano giù la mia faccia come ho guardato quello. Giornaliere della mia vita tengo le memorie che l'esposizione mi ha dato vicino nel mio cuore. Conosco relativo un toon, ma… l'amore che di I lo gradisce era il mio figlio… il relativo simile che ama un cane. Relativo non un essere umano, ma voi si preoccupa per esso. In ogni modo, grazie per ogni ultimo memorie che lo avete dato, squadra di MLAATR! Il Jenny XJ-9 Wakeman può essere inchiostro e cgi, ma nei nostri cuori, gli shes reali e noi la amiamo alla morte!" "Lotti di amore,del Kayla Austin"

    そこに私の表面を転がす破損ところ私がそれを見たように。 毎日私の生命の私はショーが私の中心で近い私に与えた記憶を保持する。 私はtoonを知っているが、…それを好むi愛は私の息子…犬を愛する同類だった。 そのない人間、しかしあなたはそれを気遣う。 とにかく、あなたが私を与えた最後のmemorieを、MLAATRのチームありがとう! XJ-9 Wakemanインクおよびcgiである私達の中心で、実質shesおよび私達は死に彼女を愛する! 愛、Kaylaオースティンの~の多く

    Espero no incomodar estimado "usuario anonimo" al traducir tu mensaje , pero era muy hermoso para solo dejarlo en tu idioma, has dicho lo que todos sentimos en nuestro interior, Gracias por esta bellisima obra "Shelltoon", no hay palabras para decirte lo mucho que te agradecemos...
    Tomas Martinez

    I hope not to bother, considered “usuary anonymous” when translating your message, but he was very beautiful single to leave it in your language, you have said what all we felt in our interior, Thanks for this gorgeous work “Shelltoon”, are words no to say much that we are thankful to you… Tomas Martinez

  4. Anonymous1:29 PM

    XJKenny: Did you get my request?

  5. This video was built by me as a way of saying thank you to the whole crew responsible for Teenage Robot. They've made me laugh, they made me smile, they made me appreciate cartoons once again, they even made me feel teary eyed during the mother/daughter moment in EFCP. The memories I have with this show since day 1 will live on. Thank you Rob Renzetti, Alex Kirwan, and everyone on the MLaaTR crew for bringing us one of the finest cartoons ever seen this era. Even if Jenny is just ink, she's still real in our hearts. I'll cherish Jenny until the end.

  6. Anonymous4:20 AM


    I don't know where to post it: I know that it's possible to watch Teenage Robot online but does anybody know where to buy or download all seasons?! I love this show!


  7. this video was too much at first for me but then i watched it again and got all sentimental and happy/sad. i liked it it is reeeaally long but it was inspirinering i was emotional after seeing it its so sappy but then i am too i kept telling my friend about it...so yea good montage i miss jenny ...she will live on in re-runs
