A quite good fanart created by XJKenny.
Artist's Comment: "I colored them based on rainbow colors and each
with its own personality ^_^ "
"My Life as a Teenage Robot" and all related characters copyright 2003-2011, Viacom International.
All Rights Reserved.
Reminds me of Raven on Teen Titans....
Awwww! They are so cute and tender... I love them!
I would love to find out more details about their personalities.
I smell a story coming, XJKenny!
When does the first chapter come out?
BTW, Where is your website, if you have one?
Quite Good Fanart.
Visit: Edcorporation.blogspot.com
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The rainbow Jennys personality...
Mmm... Let's see.....
The blue one is the Jenny that we all know and love it, pink Jenny is a curiousity one, always wondering and eager to find out answers.
Red Jenny always like showing stuff and do stunts, magenta Jenny is a cheerful type always eager to lend a hand, green Jenny is a type that is always eager looking for a fight and sometimes trouble.
Purple Jenny, a playful girl and always loves to play tricks and pranks on unsuspecting persons. And as for yellow Jenny, she enjoys lying around enjoying life, needs motivations and a hard time to get her moving.
As for the story, I never think of one up, I draw this artwork when the idea struck me while thinking about a fruity candy called gummi bear. Maybe I can think one up.
Uh... I don't have a website but I do have a deviantart account.
I will always love Red Jenny the most. The color just looks so wonderful on her. I've loved it since The Great Unwashed.
The whole art is great! And I like the yellow one, cause I've got much in common with her personality :D
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