The full frame from "Infectious Personality".
If you check carefully, you will see the Inspector Clouseau photo
in the wall frame near the cashier.
"My Life as a Teenage Robot" and all related characters copyright 2003-2011, Viacom International.
All Rights Reserved.
Who's that girl?
She's the owner of "Le Petit" Florist.
She's pretty.
Recuerdo un episodio de esa caricatura!!! , en donde el Sargento Dodó también se transformaba en un monstruo!!!
es bueno ver que Sheldon dejo a su bestia interior salir, e imponerse por un rato a su Bestia exterior...;)
Memory an episode of that cartoon! , where Sergeant Dodó also transformed itself into a monster! it is good for seeing that Sheldon I let to its inner beast leave, and for dominating themselves by awhile his outer Beast… ;)
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