That's what we ended up calling this critter. He first appeared in "Hostile Makeover" as a reference to the baby boy of Mary Hanley, the woman who did the storyboard. Pretty soon whenever we needed to put someone in danger we would reuse Disaster Baby. Can you name some of the other episodes he's appeared in ?
CandyRobot: Keep drawing and posting please!
Bravo, Bravo you impressed me
but hear my words: cartoon network,cartoon network or disney,disney
are the only opportunities
the only Mist opportunities
that sounds familiar?
Chazz princeton
Oh! OH! He used the spork in "Armegedroid"!
"Spork Neutralized!"
He was in "Teen Team Time". He was voiced by Janice Kawayne who also voiced another baby in the show, XJ-1.
oh oh he was in my dreams... meow!!! hot stuff!! meow!!
This should be released on DVD!!
And Rob, sue Alphanim for creating ROBOTBOY without buying the rights to Teenage Robot.
I now episodes with this baby but im german and don´t now how the titles of the episodes are named in amerika!^^
CandyRobot: Do a picture of Jinmay in anime style.
WHo is fgetting all that gtrat TR merchandise like the lifesize cutouts of Jenny is all those cute poses?
Will THey be auctionrf off on Ebay?
I have been eatching and not seen anything. Please! There are thousands of fans who want a piece of teenage robot to remember it by. after those Scrogges at Nick cut off the funding!
You could make all payment go to charity!
Put me down for a 6 foot grinning or chuckling Jenny.
CandyRobot: Do a picture of MLAATR-style Jinmay dressed as an 80s aerobics girl.
Rob, war alerts!!!!!!
Robot boy in result is a combination
of both The fairly oddparents
and My life as a teenage robot
the names the shapes if you think
i am wrong see Robot boy
HA,HA here is the traduction
Tommy turnbull-Timmy Turner
XJ9 blue prints-robotboy blue prints
alert hartman and all
the teenage robot is not the only going to be canceled Danny phantom, the fairly oddparents,my life as a teenage robot
Sincerely Chazz princetone
PS: for wichobot 3rd season Unpacked
and installing please wait
Thanks for the stuff
i think we cant do enything because its an difrent cartoon, they are similaritys but theyare not the same
I think Craig McCracken should be alerted because Tommy Turnbull is a Mac clone. Look at his head, it is square like Mac from FOSTER'S HOME FOR IMAGINARY FRIENDS. Plus, Tommy has a bullying brother named Donnie (a la Terrence).
Lola Mbola the little black girl, she looks like a combo between a black Powerpuff Girl and Ami (from HI HI PUFFY AMI YUMI).
Gus' hair looks like Fred Flintstone but his voice sounds like SOUTH PARK's Cartman.
Tell that to Trey Parker and Matt Stone.
By the way Alaxr274, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but there is no way in the world Candy Robot can do those requests for you. She is in Germany and has to take care of her husband and her children. She is very busy. Yes I was a veteran from Tremorton High (2003-2005).
I know that Tommy turnbull is both a Mac and a Timmy clone
ITS like Mac in appearence
and her name its similar to Timmy turner
just remember were chip lose
his voice in The fairly oddparents episode, The camego where say:
I wish to have the voice of timmy?
no i wish to have the voice of tommy.
also robot boy shape is similar
to jenny s one
Sincerely: chazz princetone
I made a My life as a teenage robot-danny phantom crossover with no japanese things, its a fan video
were the teen team (Orion, squish and Misty)returns and also with clock work returning, the only japanese thing was Misty. and vega will be turning back too
sorry for not saying before
my website requires LAN internet
100mbps minimum and maximum
im getting rid of that error
3rd season videos,downloadable
fan episodes, movies and more.
also a sneak preview of My neighbor is a teenage robot
sincerely:chazz princetone
When's CandyRobot coming back?
CandyRobot will never return more, because she has disappeared forever...
chazz could jou give some links to those videos?
Sure but you need to have Opera
or a LAN Connection
I found a video that is not of mine
and is not a crossover but is cool
I will try to get that video
and publish in my website
Sincerely: chazz princetone
Does anyone here have a Deviantart website?
and your site is?
Click my name, that's where my site is.
:D no not you i mean chazz
You have a broadband connection?
If you have let me know here
So i can post the link to my website
I have a 100mbps t-hub
Also, what do you think of a Danny phantom-Teenage robot crossover
Who do you think it will be the winner
Sincerely:Chazz princetone
i have T1 connetion so there is no problem
First Season ready in Youtube.com!!!
In search type: mlaatr
More soon!
wichobot - www.teenagerobot.tk
Please update your blog for today
sincerely:chazz princetone
sincerely: Chazz princetone
if i tell to you wichobot that she and he will be in a fan movie made by me you will be jumping all the week
I will post the movie in my blog saturday at night, i will go to a party
also, the two characters in the picture
are not Jenny and Danny include if they appears to be.
I will not tell the name of the two
characters the only thing i say is that
the female one will be voiced by Grey DeLisle and the male one by David kaufman
This is like a sneak preview to a new series like yu-gi-oh gx is
also, Janice kawaye do not appears
because she is probably working for the cartoon network production Class of 3000
sincerely:chazz princetone
all the blogers
please visit my website
Videos, Fan movies and fanfic
also, video games things to buy links and more
more to come
sincerely:chazz princetone
Supreme Victory!!!You are Great Wicho bot! Good job!!!
please including "THE FINAL CARTOON COUNT DOWN " in teenagerobot.tk
Do you mean the cartoon crossover music video?
I think tomas is trying to say he wants the cartoon crossover video
called the final cartoon count down
that is in youtube.com
one day for my crossover movie.
also, this blog has not updated
from this last post.
but if someone can do fan art or fan videos tell them to me in my blog
sincerely:chazz princetone
yes, thank you, my english is very bad...
No problem!
also, I think this blog has not updated BECAUSE RENZETTI IS HIDDING US SOMETHING
I think i will go to investigate
sorry for not posting the video
my modem is damaged and i am waiting it for repair
I am using a dial-up modem
Sincerely: chazz princetone
my website has change
You must type exactly as it is here
sincerely:chazz princetone
I can't find the crossover video ;(
If somebody have it, please send me it to my mail.
2nd. Season Ready on Youtube.com !!!
wichobot - www.teenagerobot.tk
visit this link and find a sneak preview of a fan crossover movie maked by me
but, the preview is from
a friend of my agentespio
sincerely:chazz princetone
visit my blog
Well, as no one has been saying the word out there, i need to spice things up; i will blog when i got something new. one word, we are getting warmer
sincerely: chazz princetone
Renzetti, Kirwan is someone out there
I suggest, Butch hartman is on frederator, right?
well, if Spongebob squarepants is smashing both you and him
Work like a team, i am sure that if you and Butch work like a team, you can save the Teenage robot and for him; Danny phantom
do not get mad at me, but if i were
in your shoes, i will possibly do the same
Renzetti,do not lost this opportunity
sincerely:chazz princetone
I guess everybody goes to Germany!
And for what reason
Well, but someone thinks about if Butch and Renzetti make a team
to vanquish spongebob?
its rumored that spongebob squarepants is the biggest cartoon in the earth
there are all wrong
the crown winners must be
Danny phantom or the Teenage robot
one of the two, if this continue
Class of 3000 will be aborted, and
Also, i heard that Spongebob is
we cannot let them win
I will try go to Germany tommorrow
sincerely:chazz princetone
Renzetti, you are tardy!
Butch hartman is working with
Judd winick to make a danny phantom-Junniper lee
crossover for this summer
I was in the moment they do their pact
see the video on youtube.com
search:Te xuan phantom
sincerely:chazz princetone
Argentina 2 - 1 C.I.V.
Good going Che!!!
If somebody doesn't know where is the Teenage Robot check:
The great thing since sliced bread!
But what is their meaning?
sincerely:chazz princetone
Thank you very much by the information,W-bot...one hurts
But same one hundred thousand thanks by the second sesion of teenage robot in youtube.com!,gracias amigo!!!
in truht it is going to have to crossover of Danny/Juniper Lee?...Hubiera sido Be it incredible hit if the one had become of Jenny /Danny!!!
Was he someting that all fans esperabamos anxiosly!!!
Imagine The Crust Cousins uniting forces with the two boys
What disturb the Danny life!!!...
Brad Knowing Sam!,Tucker and Sheldon United,!...
The Fenton and the Dra. Weakman in equipement!!!...
It could consider Mr. Rensetti,Does not let die Jenny ,She is a caracter Who has a potencial to become a a great clasic as Superman!!!
Is cuestion to insist...
Thanks Rensetti...
Thanks Wichobot...
Thanks Chazz...
Si es cierto, pero parece ke a Renzetti o a Kirwan se les hubieran ido las ideas para otro lado... ya ni dice nada en el roblog: si esta enfermo o si esta de viaje o algo parecido. Nada cuesta ke mande algun mensaje diciendo ke esta bien, no?
Pues ya somos tres
escuche que uno de mis trabajadores
AKA gideonberstein preparo
la Idea de un encuentro
de Danny phantom con La robot adolescente; EN INGLES DANNY PHANTOM
que mal que Renzetti no nos puso atencion y es extraño
pero lo que escuche debo divulgarlo
los padrinos magicos-danny phantom
la robot adolescente
juntos en un encuentro, ah! y si alguien vio el episodio de Danny phantom Kindred spirits por su titulo en ingles, sabran quien mas aparecera y si alguien tiene el episodio para descargar diganmelo
Y vega y misty volveran
ah, y acerca de los padrinos magicos
Danielle y timmy juntos
no me refiero a danny sino a su prima
sincerely:chazz princetone
No, somos cuatro conmigo; perdón por permanecer en silencio tanto tiempo, pero sentí que éste era el momento adecuado para expresarme también.
Hola! Me llamo Angel Julián, soy un gran admirador de MLAATR (La Robot Adolescente, como la conocemos en México) y lamento mucho que los "genios de Nickelodeon" tomaran la decisión de no continuar con la serie, que es muy original y divertida. Ciertamente tiene un gran potencial que no ha sido debidamente explotado, como en el merchadising, es decir productos comerciales relacionados con la serie, como ropa, vasos, tazas, calcomanías, pósters, cuadernos, juguetes, videojuegos(tengo la fortuna de poseer el Nicktoons Basketball, donde Jenny es un personaje seleccionable, sólo por eso lo compré), etc.
Si Jimmy Neutrón y Timmy Turner ya tuvieron 2 crossovers(la idea funcionó muy bién!) entonces porqué no darle esa oportunidad a XJ-9? Ella es muy especial y creo que lo merece; las propuestas de Chazz Princeton son dignas de considerarse. Si no, entonces por lo menos debería haber una tercera temporada de MLAATR con un final definitivo, para que sus fans no se queden con la sensación de que se quedó incompleta y abandonada.
Por último, les mando un cordial saludo a Chazz Princeton, Tomás y en especial a Wichobot, a quien felicito por la titánica labor emprendida para que MLAATR no sea arrojada al olvido, y me despido esperando que a los Maestros Rob Renzetti y Alex Kirwan, que son hombres muy talentosos, no se les olvide actualizar este blog, que pertenece a todos quienes somos fieles seguidores de la serie.
MLAATR no debe ser olvidado jamás, depende de nosotros evitar que eso ocurra!
Para cualquier comentario, mi dirección de e-mail es ajdelangelr@yahoo.com.mx, estoy a sus órdenes.
hey! speak english
Hey, Anonymous! You already tried to use the Babel Fish Translation, of www.altavista.com? It's very useful, I use it to read texts in english of this blog...
La otra vez estuve tratando de subir episodios a Google Video, puesto ke los puedo poner completos (sin cortes) pero resulta ke no me los ponen ya ke (segun ellos) dicen ke no se puede. pienso ke GV aun no conoce el termino videocasetera (VCR) pues lo mismisimo se hace solo ke en otro nivel. Gracias youtube!
For people in any point of Earth:
Hey! If here in LatinAmerica we're trying to return XJ9 to life, Please help us... Jenny will thankful your help. I don't know what you can do, just open XJ9's sites or talk about in boards or upload videos (like me) or images or sounds or whatever about MLaaTR, but this is the moment for help this cartoon.
jennyfan7 im not anonymous im just to lazy to register :D
btw great translator
Tahnkz! :P
btw, "The Teenage Roblog X" is a parody of the real "Teenage Roblog". You know... just for fun, and only the links are REAL!
Put whatever comment you want and I will keep updated the page:
no quiero decir ke somos 5 pero y ya somos 5 Yo siempre he visitado el blog, (aunque nunca habia puesto un comentario) y pense ke era el unico mexicano, ke bueno ke no soy el unico ke le gusta el programa, tengo algunos dibujos ke he hecho, aunque no son muy buenos, tal vez apoyen al programa
If anybody wants to know what i said:
I don't wanna say that we're 5, but we're 5, I've allways visited this blog, (although i've never posted a coment) i thought i was the only mexican here, and it's good to know i'm not the only one who likes the program, i've done some drawings, maybe they aren't really good, but they may help the program
also if i made any mistake, sorry, my english is not very good...
Conmigo Cinco, Hola soy Miri. Exelente idea gracias a los tres wichobot, chazz y Tomás y por cierto, nunca te lo dije Tomás pero hace mucho tiempo leí tu carta publicada el 28 de septiembre de 2005 y quiero decirte que fuiste de lo mas tierno y sicero, me gustó mucho. Perdón por tardarme tanto.
Saludos a todos!!
Habemos gente de muchas partes del mundo por akí. En especial, agradezco a PixelShader (de Alemania) quien me ha ayudado en gran medida (un 100%) a obtener los videos en versión alemana.
Here are many people from around the world. Specially, I want to say thanks to PixelShader (from Germany) who helps me a lot to get the german version of the episodes.
wichobot - www.teenagerobot.tk
The unnoficial blog!
Hey1 and my last commentary?...
o well...
Everybody, I know you don't know me, and I searched my login name (agentespio) on google, and a guy named Chazz Princetone NT said a comment about me and making a crossover. That "preview" for it is NOT HIS. IT IS AN INTRO FOR MY MUSIC VIDEOS. He has been lying - I dont even know who he is. Don't trust him because he may be lying about other things too.
Great work you done.
Prima Cartoonizer crack 6/
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