For those wondering how Jenny and the extended cast of the show might look in 3-d, we discovered this fairly elaborate fan film, "Not My Day" by Henry Blackshear jr.
"My Life as a Teenage Robot" and all related characters copyright 2003-2011, Viacom International.
All Rights Reserved.
The video is very cool
im thinking about a second movie.
Chazz princetone
Thanks. It's so hard to find this kind of videos and post it later.
I can't believe that Google Video reject this nice material. I tried to upload there and later they just said: "this video can't be published, because our policies Blah, Blah, Blah..." ;P
From now, I better use YouTube only (no problems) ;)
Soon more videos there! (anyway, always check G.V., just in case) :)
wichobot - www.teenagerobot.tk
That is AWESOME!
CandyRobot: Keep drawing and posting please!
Jenny Fever is alive and well!
A wonderful homage to the genius that it Renzetti and Kirwan!
Maybe Nick should see this and reconsider!
Interesting.... They switched the languages in that episode.
I really like the 3D Jenny pic.
I just wish there would be a few more episodes, another movie, or a spin-off series. :(
To wichobot:
I want to download the episodes in German cast, BUT THEY REDIRECT ME TO
i have been downloaded episodes earlier here i think your videos are broken
I Have the 3RD season episodes in english and spanish cast and i will post it,
on my blog but....
Like Renzetti, i will be taking vacations in Monaco, but i will post the episodes after i return from my vacations, exactly in two weeks
Chazz princetone.
PS: Wichobot repair the videos ahh
your video website is really: http://www.angelfire.com/tv2/wbot/
My blogs are the next:
new episodes :D
cant wait
Three letters: D.V.D.
OK, fixing broken episodes...
Thanks for the advice :)
is the real site. I renamed it to:
for a good look (more easy to type!).
Firefox users can use this:
But you will be unable to use some features like player controls...
btw, 3RD (third) season episodes?
OMG! excellent!
I don't know where you get those, but could you get "My neighbor was a teenage robot"?
I tried a whole year getting it but I can't ;(
wichobot - www.teenagerobot.tk (fixing, sorry! :P, please wait...)
OK, Fixed! :)
All the videos were repaired and working again 100%!
wichobot - www.teenagerobot.tk
Two words: On Demand
I have Comcast.
Three letters: D.V.D.
Attention to all blogers
what did all think about a crossover with Danny phantom and the teenage robot? if someone knows to do a video, With Danny and Jenny in a cross over please let me Know.
Also i Think Electronic arts and Ubisoft will make the teenage robot video game for pc, its only a rumor I am posting this from my laptop
3rd season
Chazz prinstone
executive president
edco co. ltd
Anyone know where that Japanese episode can be seen after Vicaom sweeped Youtube?
MLaatr Fans I had to change the location of the 3D film here is the new link https://vimeo.com/7345750
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